Friday, January 30, 2009

IT Communication

In thinking about a lot of the ways that IT Departments interact with each other, I found this excellent article on IT Communication. I don't exactly agree with all the points but there are many good takeaways. How productive is your IT department?


..."Well, as you say, it isn't just IT, it's in general knowledge work. And the symptom that I observe is that in an age in which there's kind of a mantra, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. We have this notion that the 21st century is one in which we either speed up or perish."

..."What we can't do is sit frozen in endless meetings and e-mails and process and documentation, because that means we don't get anything done, so we need to change the underlying design philosophy of the organization from safety to speed."

..."If you're sitting in a meeting with 20 people, and many of them are doing e-mails or IMing, you need to stop thinking about whatever the subject of that meeting is and think about what the hell are we doing here?"

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