Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I got snipped today

twenty minutes on...twenty minutes off. The frozen peas work..and they feel good. Yep..I got snipped...the medical term, Vasectomy. The time leading up to my appointment today was a bit hectic and the nervousness set in.

I had a young male doctor..someone with a steady hand (don't need an "oops"). The procedure took about 30 minutes and consisted of a local anesthetic aka..needle to the scrote.. it stung a bit..kind of like a bee sting for a second. The doctor made one small incision, clipped two small coffee stirer like tubes and cauterized the ends.

About an hour before the visit, I took a Valium that was prescribed during my initial consultation. It kicked in about 15 minutes before the procedure. I initially imagined being put on a table, my legs up in the air, several doctors and bright lights....you get the picture. But, I was just lying on a table..once the procedure began, all I felt was some tugging and pulling.

It's been several hours...I feel ok, feels like I'm an constantly being flicked in the nad's...this is where the peas and the Lortab help.

So....if you're thinking about getting this done..it's not so bad..so far. I'm interested in how I will feel on day two..and I will be sure to follow up and let you know.

The doctors at Anne Arundel Urology were great. I had Dr. Krejci.

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