Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Secret of NIMH Remake

Reuters is reporting that a new film version of "Rats of NIMH" is in the works. For those not familiar with the original "Secret of NIMH"..well click the link.

I was 7 when this move was released. I don't recall seeing at the theater but I do recall watching it and being the first animated movie that gave me the spooks a bit. To me, it was dark and moody and although I'm not sure I actually "got" what it was entirely about, I loved it. I've watched it since then and when I finally understood what NIMH really was and the real story and connection between the rats, I was amazed. Anyhow, I purchased the dvd for my daughter since then and we've watched it together when she was a child (now 14).

Don't know where I'm going with this..I guess I'm not entirely sure I'd want to see a remake of this but curious none the less. Great movie with a good story if you've never seen it.

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