Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ATM Machine Technology

I don't know much about ATM's but what I do know is that NCR ATM's take 20 minutes to reboot!!! What the hell? I guess that's what happens when they (some/all?) run Windows XP!

Visa DPS has a maintenance window, ATM's don't come back up and to quote the VISA DPS Technician, "their finicky". Great to know! Happy Tuesday everyone.


ATM Machine said...

20mins, wow, that is a little long. Seems everything runs on Windows :/

Japan used heavy machinery supplier said...

ATM is the best technology according to these days. In now days every person has busy in your life and he haven't time for bank. SO ATM is the best way of consuming your time.

Auto parts said...

Great Post! It is a best facility provide by the all banks and we can get money anywhere and anytime.