Friday, February 22, 2008

Exciting, New...Not really.

What a week...

Work has been a chore. We had a server bomb out on us and it's finally back to normal for the most part. These things should NOT take this long. Working with the vendor to reinstall apps has taken up the majority of my time. My new issue of Storage Mag came and the last article was another anti-RAID rant. I've read several articles now on the demise or re-engineering of RAID. And..I have to agree. High end storage units these days should just work without all the timely configuring of storage for different types of applications. Someone needs to jump on the bandwagon and start a change of events.

Oh..and I had another "I hate Microsoft" moment today. If Microsoft would conform to some sort of open standard, lives would be easier. I'm an avid user of OpenOffice..the free alternative to Microsoft Office. It's really all you need if you don't feel like giving Bill Gates your money. And it's FREE. Did I say FREE!! OpenOffice may not have all the bells and whistles of MS Office but..think about you really need all the bells and whistles?? How many of you really use all the bells and whistles?..ugh. I wasn't able to open a Word 2007 doc and it really bothered me. OpenOffice is working on this and hopefully will have something in a release soon.

The United States Navy shot down a satellite about a hundred and fifty miles from Earth. I won't post any links but this has been a fairly talked about event mainly because the US appears to be showing off and critics think it's going to be the start of a new race for space so other countries can shoot objects out of the sky as well..

Obama is beating Hillary by ..well, alot. Wake up Hillary, get with the need to start digging up dirt on Obama, get a personality that people can relate to.

If your going to drive to work after an ice storm...wipe your friggin car off!!! I cannot stand being stuck behind someone and the next thing I know is that I have ice bombs coming at me at 60mph. What the hell??? Wipe your car only takes a few minutes you lazy shite's.

My wife has been sick with a cold...she hasn't coughed up a lung yet..I think she may have SARS..just kidding honey.

Well enjoy your weekend. Stay warm.

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