Monday, February 18, 2008

San Diego bound???

I'm a bit frustrated. This afternoon, like countless others, I was trying to purchase tickets to one of Eddie Vedder's solo shows. He's playing a few dates on the West Coast. The servers hosting the site kept crashing and timing out. This isn't the first time this has happened. It took about an hour of patiently trying when I finally got through. Here is how it "went down".
-finally got logged in.
-selected the show I wanted.
-put in my CC info.
-hit sumbit
-server crashed.

NOW...the transaction is pending in my account but I haven't received a confirmation email and the purchase has yet to show up in my profile. So...I'll patiently wait. I sent the Ten Club an email asking if I got tix or not. We'll see.

For all future pre-sale purchases, I suggest this to the fan club.

- Clustered Apache web servers
- Clustered db servers
- More bandwidth
- Multiple paths to the Internet.

- Chris

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